/manager/Index en-au 5 Similarity of intermittency characteristics of temperature and transverse velocity /manager/Repository/uon:3458 n, the intermittency exponents µα based on individual and mixed sixth-order structure functions, the scaling exponents ζα(n) of the locally averaged energy and temperature dissipation rates approximated by (δα/δx)2, the flatness factors of the derivatives δα/δx, and the probability density functions (PDFs) of δα/δx, the increment δα and (δα/δx)2. It is found that v and θ are similar in terms of their intermittency characteristics. They are more intermittent than u. The scaling exponent ζv(n) is marginally larger than ζθ(n). The intermittency exponent µθ is smaller than µv based on the estimate of mixed sixth-order structure functions, while µθ is nearly equal to µv based on the estimate of individual sixth-order structure functions. The temperature dissipation rate is more intermittent than the turbulent energy dissipation rate, as indicated by τα(n). The flatness factor of δθ/δx is marginally larger than that of δv/δx. The PDFs of δθ/δx, deltaθ, and (δθ/δx)2 show the strongest departure from the Gaussian distribution.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:53:37 AEST ]]> Scale-by-scale energy budgets which account for the coherent motion /manager/Repository/uon:17050 Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:36:30 AEST ]]> Small-scale turbulence characteristics of two-dimensional bluff body wakes /manager/Repository/uon:1345 Wed 11 Apr 2018 11:42:10 AEST ]]> Similarity of energy structure functions in decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence /manager/Repository/uon:3135 Wed 11 Apr 2018 11:40:29 AEST ]]> Towards local isotropy of higher-order statistics in the intermediate wake /manager/Repository/uon:30242 n is a positive integer). It is found that the relation M2n+1(∂u/∂z)∼R−1λ is supported reasonably well by hot-wire data up to the seventh order (n=3) on the wake centreline, although it is also dependent on the initial conditions. The present relation N3(∂u/∂y)∼R−1λ is obtained more rigorously than that proposed by Lumley (Phys Fluids 10:855–858, 1967) via dimensional arguments. The effect of the mean shear at locations away from the wake centreline on M2n+1(∂u/∂z) and N2n+1(∂u/∂y) is addressed and reveals that, although the non-dimensional shear parameter is much smaller in wakes than in a homogeneous shear flow, it has a significant effect on the evolution of N2n+1(∂u/∂y) in the direction of the mean shear; its effect on M2n+1(∂u/∂z) (in the non-shear direction) is negligible.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:41:58 AEDT ]]> Transport equation for the mean turbulent energy dissipation rate on the centreline of a fully developed channel flow /manager/Repository/uon:26852 iso/⋶ is sufficiently close to 1 on the centreline, our main focus is on the isotropic form of the transport equation. It is found that the imbalance between the production of ⋶ due to vortex stretching and the destruction of ⋶ caused by the action of viscosity is governed by the diffusion of ⋶ by the wall-normal velocity fluctuation. This imbalance is intrinsically different from the advection-driven imbalance in decaying-type flows, such as grid turbulence, jets and wakes. In effect, the different types of imbalance represent different constraints on the relation between the skewness of the longitudinal velocity derivative S₁,₁ and the destruction coefficient G of enstrophy in different flows, thus resulting in non-universal approaches of S₁,₁ towards a constant value as the Taylor microscale Reynolds number, Rλ, increases. For example, the approach is slower for the measured values of S₁,₁ along either the channel or pipe centreline than along the axis in the self-preserving region of a round jet. The data for S₁,₁ collected in different flows strongly suggest that, in each flow, the magnitude of S₁,₁ is bounded, the value being slightly larger than 0.5.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:41:48 AEDT ]]>